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URGENT! URGENT! URGENT! Contact Your Legislature!

Contact your legislators, attend a hearing in person or via zoom. Make your voice heard and that you oppose these bills!
  House Bill 144 by Rep. Hochman Vigil   Create Office of Gun Violence Prevention
Will create Office of Gun Violence and Interdiction which will funnel tax payer dollars to gun control groups.  Will be heard in House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee Jan 30   Senate Joint Resolution 12 by Sen. Wirth and Sen. Stewart   Allow Municipalities and Counties to Regulate Firearms More Restrictive Than State Law
Would change the NM Constitution to allow municipalities and counties to regulate the right to keep and bear arms in a manner more restrictive than state law. If passed, it will be presented to the people for approval or disapproval at the next general election or special election.
House Bill 27 by Rep. Joy Garratt    Expands State Red Flag Gun Confiscation Law
Allows law enforcement officers and licensed health care professionals (i.e. anyone licensed in the state for health care) to be “reporting parties” to petitioners for extreme risk protective orders and requires immediate surrender of firearms upon service of temporary or regular extreme risk protective orders (ERPOs). This law should be repealed, not expanded!
Passed House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee on party lines 4-2 Jan 23,
Passed House Judiciary Committee Jan 29 on party line vote, next stop House floor.
House Bill 114 by Rep. Christine Chandler    Lawsuits Against the Firearms Industry
Allows the state attorney general or a district attorney to bring an action for injunctive relief and civil penalties against anyone in the firearms industry for alleged violations of the newly-devised Firearms Industry Accountability Act, vastly increasing their liability exposure when advertising legal products or conducting lawful business activities. Private causes of action are also created.  The gun industry would lose all access to insurance and go bankrupt defending itself against frivolous law suites.
Passed House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee on party lines 4-2 Jan 23,
Passed House Judiciary Committee 26 Jan on party line vote, next stop is House floor, if it passes House vote it will most likely pass the Senate
House Bill 127 by Rep. Reena Szczepanski    Raise the Age
Bans anyone under the age of 21 from purchasing or possessing any semi-automatic firearm, or any standard capacity magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition, with limited exceptions. Also criminalizes the sale or transfer of ownership of these firearms or magazines to anyone under 21.  Most of the testimony given from the side supporting this bill was that people under the age of 21 are not fully mature yet and should not have access to firearms, yet they are able to vote which is our most sacred right as Americans.
Passed in the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee Jan 25 on party line vote.
Will be heard in House Judiciary Committee Jan 31.
House Bill 129 by Rep. Andrea Romero    State Waiting Period
Imposes a 14-calendar day waiting period on firearms purchases, which would make for the longest firearm purchase delay in the country. Prohibits sale if background check stays open.  Opens the firearms industry to liability with no way to control private party sales that the state mandates we do.
Passed in the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee Jan 25 on party line vote
Passed House Judiciary Committee Jan 29 on party line vote, next stop House floor.
House Bill 137 by Rep. Andrea Romero    Gas Operated SemiAuto Firearms Exclusion
Requires AG to create list of banned gas operated firearms. Illegal to transfer, sell, buy, import or manufacture firearm on list or parts. Limits where previously owned banned firearms can be used and how to transport. Limits detachable magazines to 10 rounds. Bans sale, transfer, manufacture of machineguns and parts. Requires certification (registration) of previously owned banned gas operated firearms.  This would ban the most common rifles, handguns, and shotguns in the state with the exception of those who would register there firearms.
Passed in the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee Jan 25 on party line vote.
Will be heard in House Judiciary Committee Jan 31.
Senate Bill 5 by Sen. Peter Wirth    Gun-Free Zone Expansion
Bans the possession of firearms within 100 feet of a polling place and 50 feet of a postal collection box.
Will be heard in Senate Rules Committee Jan 24, 8:00
Passed Senate Rules Committee on party lines 7-4 Jan 24, next stop Senate Judiciary Committee date TBD
Passed Senate Judiciary Committee Jan 26, on party line vote, headed to Senate floor
Senate Bill 69 by Sen. Joseph Cervantes    14 Day Waiting Period
Imposes a 14-calendar day waiting period on firearms purchases except by valid concealed handgun licensees, the longest firearm purchase delay in the country.
Will be heard Jan 24, 1:00 in Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee
Passed Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee on Jan 26 on party line vote, next stop Senate Judiciary committee
Senate Bill 90 by Sen. Linda Lopez    Tax on New Mexico Gun Owners & Sportsmen
Imposes a California-style 11% excise tax on firearms, firearm precursor parts, suppressors and ammunition, to be collected from New Mexico firearms retailers and sporting goods outlets and placed in the crime victims reparation fund and a fund for services to children and families involved in abuse or neglect situations.